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liberty district


Ma Rainey House Museum

Porterdale Cemetery

Liberty Theatre

Spencer House

Martin Luther King in Columbus (Prince Hall)


Claflin School



​Lynching site

Hatcher & McGehee Slave Auction

Horace King Bridge Remnants

Frank Bambush Site (Mott House)

Kinsfolk Corner

First KKK Assassination Site

Temperance Hall (Freedman's School)

​Thomas Brewer Assassination Site



The museum sponsors events year round to commemorate various events in our history and to educate the community.

January 15 - Martin Luther King Day

February 18 - Dr. Thomas Brewer Assassination Commemoration

March 30 - Ashburn Assassination Commemoration

April 16 - Emancipation Day

May - Memorial Day Decoration at Porterdale Cemetery

June 1 - Slayton and Miles Lynching Commemoration

July 1 - Martin Luther King Columbus Visit Anniversary

August 13 - TZ Cotton Lynching Anniversary

September 8 - Horace King Day

November 3 - Hon. Jeremiah Haralson's Election Anniversary








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